Jumat, 16 Desember 2011


Dok,AURRELL sudah bangun dari komanya.
              Dan dia nanya,kapan dia pulang ke rumah?Karena
              dia sudah bosen ada di rumah sakit.
                     Saudara STEVENT,AURRELL bisa pulang baru
              seminggu lagi.Dan itu juga cuma perkiraan saya saja.
              Begini saja saudara STEVENT,kalau AURRELL mau
       pulang ke rumah,tunggu saja 3 hari lagi.
                     Kalau gitu,saya keluar dulu dok.
                     Terima kasih dokter.
              Setelah STEVENT keluar dari ruangan dokter yang menangani AURRELL,dia pun langsung menuju kamar rawat AURRELL.
                Gimana STEVE?Kapan aku bisa pulang ke rumah?
                     Dokter bilang,kamu baru bisa pulang ke rumah
              3 hari lagi.
                     Oh gitu.
                     RELL,aku nelpon MAMI kamu dulu ya?Aku mau
              bilang sama dia,kalo kamu udah sadar.
              STEVENT pun menghubungi ibunya AURRELL,untuk memeberitahu kalau AURRELL sudah bangun dari komanya.
                Halo tante.
                     Halo STEVE.Ada apa ya STEVE?AURRELL udah
              bangun dari komanya?
                     Itu yang mau aku bilang sama tante.AURRELL
              udah bangun tante.
                     Kalo gitu sekarang tante,om,RAY,sama NEYRRA
              datang ke rumah sakit.
                     Oke!Bye tante.
                     Bye STEVE.
                     RELL,aku udah nelpon MAMI kamu.Dan mereka
              sekarang mau datang ke sini.
                     Oh ya!
              Orang yang di tunggu-tunggu pun datang,sambil membawa oleh-oleh.Dan saking senangnya ibu AURRELL langsung memeluk putri kesayangannya itu.
                RELL,MAMI kangen banget sama kamu sayang.
                     Aku juga kangen banget sama MAMI.Dan aku
              juga kangen banget sama PAPI,RAY,sama NEYRRA.
                     Kamu nggak kenapa-napa kan sayang?
                     Aku cuma kesenangan aja.
              3 hari sudah berlalu.AURRELL pun pulang ke rumahnya bersama kekasihnya,STEVENT.Setelah pulang ke rumah AURRELL merasa senang dan gembira.Karena dia melihat rumahnya sangat indah dan banyak aksesoris.
                AURRELL sayang,kita semua sengaja menghias
              ini semua biar kamu senang.
                     Makasih buat semuanya.
              Besok hari,di pagi hari yang cerah.AURRELL berencana ingin pergi ke toko baju langganannya untuk membeli jaket untuk STEVENT sebagai tanda terima kasihnya,karena STEVENT sudah merawatnya selama dirinya koma.Setelah AURRELL turun dari kamarnya,dia pun lamgsumg menuju ke sofa yang di sana sedang ada ibunya,ayahnya,serta saudaranya.AURRELL pun bilang kalau dia ingin pergi ke toko baju langgananya sesuai dengan rencananya.
                MAMI,PAPI,dan semuanya aku pergi dulu ya?
                     AURRELL,kamu mau kemana sayang?
                     Aku mau ke toko baju langganan aku MI?
                     Kamu mau ngapain ke sana?
                     Aku mau beliin STEVENT,jaket MI?Sebagai tanda
              terima kasih aku,karena selama aku koma dia udah
              ngerawat aku.Aku pergi dulu ya,semuanya?
                     Apa lagi MI?
                     MAMI,mau ikut.
                     Oke,yuk MI!
                     Kita,pergi dulu ya semuanya?
                     Hati-hati di jalan ya?
              Setelah sampai di toko baju langganan AURRELL.AURRELL langsung turun dari mobil,mau menuju ke dalam toko baju langganannya tersebut.
                AURRELL,MAMI ikut ya?
                     Nggak usah MI?MAMI disini aja.
                     Tapi,kamu hati-hati nyebrangnya ya sayang?
                     Iya MI.Aku masuk dulu ya?
                     Hati-hati ya?
                     Iya MI.
              Setelah masuk ke dalam toko baju langganannya.AURRELL mulai memilih jaket yang akan dia berikan kepada STEVENT sebagai tanda terima kasihnya.
           Setelah memperoleh jaket yang akan dia berikan kepada STEVENT,AURRELL pun langsung menuju meja kasir untuk membayar jaketnya.Sewaktu mau membayar jaketnya,tiba-tiba saja AURRELL meminta selembar kertas dan pulpen kepada kasir tersebut.Sang kasir pun memberi AURRELL selembar kertas dan pulpen.AURRELL pun siap menulis kata-kata di selembar kertas itu yang berbunyi:
                STEVENT,aku sayang banget sama kamu.
                                    STEVENT,aku cinta banget sama kamu.
                                    Aku nulis surat ini buat kamu.
                                    Terima kasih ya,kamu udah ngerawat aku waktu aku lagi koma.
                                    Terima kasih banyak STEVE,kamu udah ngebuat hari-hari aku berarti.
                                    Terima kasih banyak STEVENT.
                                    Aku nggak mau kehilangan kamu STEVE.
                                    STEVE,aku beliin jaket ini buat kamu.
                                    Mudah-mudahan kamu suka sama jaket ini.
                                    Aku beli jaket ini,karena aku inget kamu suka banget sama jaket.
                                    Aku pengen banget ngeliat kamu,make jaket ini.
                                    Aku cinta kamu STEVENT.
                        Setelah AURRELL selesai menulis suratnya,dia lamgsung mengembalikan pulpennya kepada kasir tersebut.
                Terima kasih ya mbak?
                     Sama-sama mbak AURRELL.
                     Mbak,masih inget nama saya?
                     Ya iyalah mbak?
                     Pergi dulu ya,soalnya MAMI udah nunggu lama
              di mobil.
                     Oke mbak.Hati-hati ya mbak nyebrangnya?
                     Makasih udah ingetin saya.
              Setelah berbicara banyak dengan kasir toko baju langganannnya.AURRELL langsung pergi menuju mobil.Sewaktu AURRELL mau menyebrang,tiba-tiba saja dia ditabrak oleh sebuah mobil pribadi.Ibunya pun langsung berteriak melihat anak kesayangannya ditabrak oleh mobil,dan langsung menghampiri mayat AURRELL yang berlumuran banyak darah.Ibu AURRELL menangis tidak terbendung.
           Sebelum AURRELL tertabrak,dia masih sempat menelpon STEVENT untuk mengajaknya bertemu di tempat biasa.
           Tapi sayang sungguh sayang,itu tidak akan pernah terjadi,karena AURRELL sudah pergi meninggalkan dunia ini untuk selama-lamanya.
           Ibunya AURRELL pun menelpon STEVENT untuk memberitahunya,kalau AURRELL sudah meninggal.
                  Halo tante.Ada apa ya tante?
                     STEVE,kamu sekarang datang ke rumah.
                     Ada apa tante?Tante saya ada janji sama
                     STEVENT,AURRELL sudah meninggal.Dia ditabrak
                     Tante,pasti bohong kan tante?
                     STEVENT,kalau kamu nggak percaya.Itu terserah
              STEVENT pun kaget mendengar berita ini.Dia pun langsung pergi menuju rumah AURRELL,untuk memastikan berita ini.Tapi setelah dia sampai ke rumah AURRELL.dia melihat banyak orang di rumah AURRELL.Dia pun masuk ke dalam rumah AURRELL.Air matanya pun keluar mengalir tidak terbendung,ketika melihat keadaan AURRELL,kekasihnya.
           Semua orang yang melayat pun melihatnya.STEVENT pun berlari ke luar rumah AURRELL,karena dia tidak kuat melihat AURRELL tebujur kaku.
                AURRELL,kenapa kamu ninggalin aku sayang?
              Aku nggak ada artinya tanpa kamu sayang.Aku nggak
              rela kamu ninggalin aku,dan aku nggak akan pernah
              rela.Kamu segala-galanya buat aku.Aku cinta sama
              kamu AURRELL,cinta banget.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Yoon Eun Hye [Fan Meet] Birthday Party / Fan Meet - Korea 2009 (31-10-2009)

Yoon Eun Hye's 2009 - Birthday Party/Fan Meeting [1/3]
A compilation of fanviews taken from DCeune, DC-MFL, DaumYEH.

Pre-Event :

- The event took place near the SBS building in Seoul Yangcheon-gu Broadcast Villiage, Broad Hall at 4:00PM
- The hall way to the entrance was filled with photographs of YEH, which were all given to the lucky fans whose ticket number got called out throughout the event
- Flowers and wreaths (flower arrangements) were also crowded around in the hallway. The one's in this picture are from Yigim and a Japanese fan/fanbase
[- Funny comments regarding the one sent by Yigim (the largest one) - the fans who were all walking past the flower arrangements were all saying how beautiful they were and how well decorated it was, until they saw who it was from and most if not all said a few harsh remarks about Yigim or at least went by giving it a filthy look] (lols!)
- The inside walls of the Hall were decorated with the large banners that YEH's fan managers asked the fan sites to bring if they wanted.
- There were 7 banners all up:

- When most of the fans who arrived early/on time gathered inside the hall, the event planners and fan managers practiced a song together with the fans to sing to YEH as she made her appearance.
- The song was "Saranghae" by Sweet Sorrow, and in the part of the chorus that had the lyrics "noreul saranghae saranghae saranghae", the fans were told to make a heart shape toward YEH - which they practised until the fan managers were satisfied, and after about the 5th time they were given the OK sign.
- Many international fans attended the fan meet, with people flying in from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and the Philippines.
- There were a number of reporters and broadcasters, namely Mnet and Y-Star. There was also a reporter from Taiwan who attended the fan meet.

- End of Pre event -

Credit : yooneunhye.net

Yoon Eun Hye's 2009 - Birthday Party/Fan Meeting [2/3]
A compilation of fanviews taken from DCeune, DC-MFL, DaumYEH.

Part 1 :

 - As soon as it hit 4:00PM, out came Jadu (from band The Jadu, and a guest at YEH's 2008 Korea Bday/FM) who was the MC for the day. She is one of YEH's close friends and was overall a great MC, as she was witty, funny and since she was close to YEH, she made YEH feel comfortable which made the atmosphere less awkward.
- After Jadu's short welcome and introduction, a short video of YEH was shown and out came the birthday girl, and the person they all gathered to see.. Yoon Eun Hye!!
- Wearing a white blouse, belt and stripey mini skirt, with long boots, and looking ever so lovely, everyone let out a "gyahh!!" which was soon followed by a "woooooow~~"
- After her entrance, they lit the birthday candles, sang 'Happy Birthday", she blew the candles out in one go. Soon after, 3 kids - 1 boy toddler, 1 girl toddler and a slightly older kid went up on stage and handed their flowers to YEH and she thanked them and sent them off with a cupcake each.
- Sweet Sorrow's "Saranghae" then played and the fans were given the cue to show YEH the heart motions that they practiced during the pre-event announcements. The point of this was to get YEH to feel touched and moved, but they failed in that department when YEH started cracking up at one stage (lols!)
- This was followed by "YEH's opening of gifts". YEH opened the miniature figures prepared by DCEUNE as well as a painting of YEH personally drawn by a member of NAVER-Eunhye's Onni's, YEH was extremeley touched and wowed by the presents that it took her a while to take her eyes off of them. YEH also opened another present prepared by DCEUNE which was a digital camera and YEH said "I recently lost my digital camera, I'm so happy now! Thank to my fans you have given me one that will replace the one I lost ^^" and then took a few shots of the fans and just before she handed it over to her staff member, she took a selca (self shot) with the perfect 45degree angle, which made everyone laugh.
- Next was the give-away, where YEH picked and called out the ticket/seat number and gave hugs and handshakes to the winners on top of the gifts (lucky fans!)
- The give away included 7 never before seen photos of YEH (those displayed in the outside hall way), a hair-pin personally made by YEH which she wore in , signed Ryeo gift sets, and signed Basic House shirts.
- This was followed by the "Tell me your Wish" segment, where YEH picked out wishes that the fans wrote (The fans had written their wish for YEH on a yellow post-it, along with their ticket/seat number just before they entered the hall.)
- The wishes were more or less fans wanting a photo with YEH on their phones/polaroids/digicams etc.
- One wish was for YEH to read the message board and to keep a note of the words of encouragement as well as the words of criticism, to which YEH answered:

"I am constantly checking up on the message boards and forums and take in all your words of support and constructive criticism. There are times when I come across harsh comments or adverse critiques that makes me shrink away. But this is all just a part of me and areas where I have room to improve and polish up on, so if you could just understand this side of me... Rather than always anticipating and expecting me to succeed, when I fail, please lend me your hand and help me get up and learn."
She also added, "I appreciate you fighting for me, and it makes me smile when I read your witty comments, but as much as I appreciate it and thank you for taking my side, I don't want you all to get hurt in the process too, so take it all in strides."

- Just as they finished up with the segment, YEH wanted to pick one more which was a wish to see YEH dance, YEH said it didnt count since she picked it out when the segment had finished up. But Jadu took it from YEH and said she'd keep it for later (Good move by Jadu)
- Next was Q&A using the letters of YEH's name (EUNHYE)**:
E: Emotion - How do you gather your emotions when you act?
U: Unbelievable - A time when you were unbelievably shocked/suprised?
N: Navigation -
H: Happiness - The time you were the most happiest?
Y: Youth - What was a young Eunhye like?
E: Edge (fashion) -
(**will be updated with the answers**)
- Next was "Guess which Song" where a number of fans came up, heard a song through headphones and had to get YEH to guess which song it was through the fan's dance moves. The song were So Hot (WG), Nobody (WG), Fire (2NE1), Tell Me Your Wish (SNSD), Abracadabra (BEG), Sorry Sorry (SJ) - this got everyone laughing, especially when the fans (5 Korean fans, 2 Japanese fans) were trying to dance to Fire, YEH got frustrated half way through and asked what exactly they were doing, lols
- That was the last segment for Part 1 of the Bday/Fanmeet.

- End of Part 1 -

 Credit : yooneunhye.net 

Video :
배우 yoon eun hye 윤은혜 생파보도영상(M.net)
Link : youtube

Credit : Gung7

Yoon Eun-hye's Birthday Party 윤은혜 생일파티
Link : youtube

Credit : arirangworld

Credit : yooneunhye.net